Dear AmCham member,
I am running for the position of American Chamber board member, inspired by both social and regulatory evolution the business community is going through in Albania. AmCham is one of the most authoritative business associations in Albania and we have today a very noble mission to bring forward.
Besides the traditional tasks the Chamber has always fulfilled with high commitment, while successfully sustaining their members, today, more than ever, the Chamber must take determined action to strengthen ethics, values, and professionalism across the business community.
The Albanian society is hardly struggling to move on from its past and become part of the larger European Union family. Against this backdrop, we must not only become part of this transformation but also take a clear leadership role. We must start talking about values and ethics in doing business and become a constant source of inspiration for the new generations of entrepreneurs.
A few months ago, I returned to Albania from an amazing experience in the United States where I was part at the McCain Institute Program, Next Generation Leaders and I would like now to propose to the AmCham the establishment of a new committee that would deal with the promotion of ethics, moral, and the consolidation of corporate governance. This committee would give the proper inspiration to the Chamber’s members and would be a great help for the Albanian business community, as it strives to find their right path to complying with the best international standards. Acting with ethics not only improves the health of a business but is also the right thing to do.
In these uncertain times, where everything changes rapidly, values remain the only place where we all must come together and never get tired of inspiring ourselves and the others. And together, we should make tirelessly undertake to build up companies, the economy, and the country, to a level where honesty and trust is the norm and not the exception. If every one of us makes a little effort towards this aim today, driven by character, I am confident that, someday, in the near future, we will succeed in seeing our country transformed.
Thank you!